Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Mission Trip To Haiti Mission Trip Letter

Here is my mission trip letter for those interested:

"Dear Fellow Brothers and Sisters,

God has presented a wonderful opportunity to attend a mission trip recently when I met missionary, and director of God's Mercy To Haiti (GMH), Jeff Maskevich while attending church. 

GMH is a small missional organization with the distinct purpose to minister to the impoverished village of Kilbitè. Just north of Port-au-Prince; the nation's capital. 

Mr Maskevich has planted a church, clinic, and Christian school there and most of the organization's work is centered around these.

After telling me only a little of his experiences ministering there for 11 years, he responded to my eager questions of his work with an invitation to a discipleship trip he takes with a group of 12 men every year. 

The trip will mainly consist of discipleship between the small group and the church (named by the locals as The Church of the God of Perfection), delivering food (door to door) to the village, and maintenance of the church/school building. It is six days, which sounds very short, but the need in the area (and whole country) is dire on all fronts (spiritually and physically).

For context:

Haiti is approximately the size of the state of Maryland with a population of about 12 million and the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. To add on to this has been the most recent events taking place within the country this year. 

On July 7th, The President of Haiti (and his wife) was assassinated in his home. To put it simply "the politics of Haiti are considered historically unstable due to various coups d'état, regime changes...and internal conflicts. Political corruption is a common problem in Haiti. The country has consistently ranked as one of the most corrupt nations" (Via Wikipedia). 

On August 14th, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck Haiti. "It was stronger than the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that devastated the poverty stricken Caribbean country in 2010 that affected 3 million people and left 1.5 million homeless".

This makes the country's condition even more drastic as it already suffers from "weak political governance, lack of infrastructure, and limited access to basic resources. Haiti ranks among the world’s least developed countries because of political, social, and environmental insecurity" (as reported by World Vision). 

I think this little is more than enough to explain that these seemingly small tasks given would be a huge help and the difficulties that could arise (cost, safety) doesn't come up to par with the benefits. 

While I have no experience in overseas missionary work, my prayer has been that if this trip would be what God has laid before me that His will be done through any difficulties that arise, and the more as time goes on planning the trip, God has consistently paved the way forward. 

As we recognize our "citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ" (Phil 3:20), I consider it a great honor to be offered this opportunity and hope to raise the necessary funds to move forward. 

The Church of the God of Perfection in Kilbite, Haiti in January 2022:

·       Expanding the current church building (concrete and carpentry)

·       Building benches and tables for a neighboring church

·       Food distribution in Kilbite and the neighboring village of Travo

·       Worship and fellowship with The Church of the God of Perfection (celebrating the church’s 9th anniversary while there)

Dates: Leave - Wednesday January 5th Return - Tuesday January 11th.

September 15th - $2500

"Traveling to Haiti is a risk. But this risk is measured. With our experience and network we are able to minimize this risk. Our team in Haiti and the experienced Americans who have been to Haiti many times with GMH help reduce these risks significantly". 

"Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me" (Matt 16:24). 

Thank you and I hope you prayerfully consider giving towards this trip. 


Christopher Keller"

Please message me personally if interested. 

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