Friday, November 20, 2020

The Sheep Vs. The Slaughtered

The Sheep vs. The Slaughtered

Hello District Residents, the following is a state sponsored message:

As you all know, the season that was once called "Thanksgiving" is upon us, this was fully recognized by the state to be a harmful cultural tradition as it promoted the horrifying (yet strategically genius) genocide of what was once called "The Native American People". As you all know, there is no such "people group" in our beloved state. Such cultural barbarianism has been done away with. 

What the state has put in place of this tradition is a day of love between comrades; Friendship Day. 

On this day, we’ll be expressing words (approved by the state of course) of thanks at a heightened level. The following are some phrases recommended by the state as loving and helpful to your fellow comrade. What if we all put those phrases into action?

Words: Since I’m thankful for you, I want to keep you safe.
Action: I’ll wear a mask and report anyone, not doing so, to the local police force. Violators will be shot on sight. 

Words: Since you rely on me to take care of you and I know you’re grateful for that, I want to keep myself safe.
Action: I’ll never go to any parties unless they are state sponsored. I'll stay home and study Chancellor Brad Hart's sacred four volume biography and other party sponsored archive material. 

Words: I want (and need) for all the children to be educated by state sponsored schools, and I’m thankful for all the adults, teachers, and armed comrades who work hard to keep children safe.
Action: I will take all the precautions to help reduce common sense and mistrust in our comrades.

As we all share words of gratitude, let’s work hard to make them tangible, actionable. If we want to experience children back to the state sponsored schools, the community must take action to reduce the spread of common sense. Anything common is evil and suspicious. Remember, we need healthy, educated, comrades to make our schools run smoothly. This is a community issue, not a party issue. I am thankful, in advance, for the fear that will keep us all in line.

On a personal note . . . I am thankful.

Please enjoy your state sponsored entertainment and be loyal. Happy Friendship Day. 

In solidarity,
Don Knott's III
Kommodant of District 7

Fever Dream (The Martial Law Diaries - Part Three)

 (Week 38, Day 3852 of Quarantine)

Where do the shadows go? 

Do they hide away from the darkness or do they stalk the corners of light?

I saw them moving on rooftops, shuffling around, and talking in the wind. I could see them inside the windowpanes of houses. They disappear in the diffused glow of old lightbulbs. They sit on the street corners, cautiously checking both directions before running across the dark roads, and hold hands in a cold affection. 

The green glow of security lights hum in offices and banks. You can't see them in there but you know they were there. Some are tired, old, and ruffle through empty cash registers so that the others don't ask questions. Some hide in plain sight, or should I say plain light, even through the blinding rays of a spotlight, you can see them wrap themselves against the walls of buildings. Sometimes you share a glimpse between them and consider it something that wasn't supposed to happen. They laugh and yell with no expression but the noise always follows you in a way that lets you know that it at least happened. 

Car lights invade and street lights stand still. Things move and you question why. I've seen entire scenes played out in front of me but could only assume what happened. The shadows cover you in a way that makes you feel invincible; the light only reminds you that you aren't. 

Kisses are shared and intimate moments are felt in a way you can't forget but can't remember. Eyes peer out and you wonder what they see. Entire lives are played out and you only caught a glimpse. 

I've stood inside buildings and called out to them but they never come out. You feel them around you, they sometimes can be heard moving around, but you never see them. I've sat in busy offices and walked around crowded stores but never saw anybody.

It's a quiet world. You do things that you wouldn't normally do for the simple fact that nobody can see you except the shadows. You perform for them, talk to them, even yell at them, and they always seem to listen. It's like living inside your own mind but you can move about freely and feel things you can't in dreams. The dull moments slowly play without regard of time and go nowhere. Staring up at the big billboards feels like your the only one that can but the words on it mean nothing to so who are they for?

If you look hard and long enough, the light will return, and you turn around to see that everything wasn't how it was. A change that you can only feel. You retreat into yourself until the moment comes again when you feel no one is watching.