Dear Lord, come save me, the Devils working hard
He probably clocking double shifts on all of his jobs
- ''HiiiPoWeR'' Kendrick Lamar (2011)
What can I say? Global Epidemic, Derecho, Government Control. All in a year's work.
Still, God has been faithful to his people amidst the American insanity.
I myself have moved around, fought within myself through the isolation, but have come through still whole; understanding more and knowing less.
“For, were it not good that evil things should also exist, the omnipotent God would almost certainly not allow evil to be, since beyond doubt it is just as easy for Him not to allow what He does not will, as for Him to do what He will.” - St Augustine ''The City of God''
''By means of corporal and temporal things we may comprehend the eternal and the spiritual." - St Augustine ''The City Of God''
Song by Cocteau Twins